The City of Plainview is accepting sealed bids for cash rent of 9 acres more or less of hay ground, described as part of S.E. section 4, T27, R4W east of the new sewer lagoons, south of Highway #13. Bids must be received by 5:00 PM March 10, 2025 to the City Clerk. Bids will be opened at the regular City Council meeting Tuesday, March 11, 2025.
The City of Plainview is accepting sealed bids for cash rent of 17 acres more or less of crop land, located north of the City Transfer Station (old sewer lagoon site). Bids must be received by 5:00 PM March 10, 2025 to the City Clerk. Bids will be opened at the regular City Council meeting Tuesday, March 11, 2025.
*If you are bidding on both please place in separate envelopes and label as Transfer or Lagoon.