City Council Agenda May 13 2024

COUNCIL MEETING, MONDAY, MAY 13 , 2024        
6:30 O'CLOCK P.M.        
*As of 5/10/2024        
1 Roll Call                        
2 Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting (s)                
3 Claims & Payroll                      
4 Reports                        
    Police Chief                    
    Economic Development Report                
    City Superintendent Report                  
    City Attorney Report                  
5 Discussion- Plainview Manor Annual Audit Report FY 2023- Steve Placke, Lutz        
6 Discussion- General Liability Insurance Update Dennis Johnson Bush & Roe        
7 Discussion/Action- wage increase for Rex Dummer to $13 per hour          
8 Discussion/Action- Resolution #701 - Change Resolution #679 to #699 and #680 to #700      
9 Discussion/Action- Resolution #702 - Authorization to Release Mortgage Lot 15 Block 5 Original Town Plainview  
10 Discussion/Action- Resolution #703- Authorize Sale of 202 S. 1st Street to Michael and Nancy Naprstek $625 (added 5-9-2024)
11 Discussion/Action- Resolution #704 - Authorize Sale of 304 E Woodland to John and Rachel Torry $5,000 (added 5-9-2024)
12 Public Hearing- Special Use Permit for a daycare at 110 N Plum Street 7:00 PM- (added 5-9-2024)    
13 Discussion/Action- approval of Special Use Permit for a daycare at 110 N Plum Street (added 5-9-2024)    
14 Discussion/Action- Ordinance #997 - Vacate Alley Between Lots 1-3 and Lots 10-12 Block 9, College Add    
15 Discussion/Action- Ordinance #994 Amend Definition of Dangerous Dogs           
16 Discussion/Action- possible wage increase for Andrew Funston            
17 Discussion/Action- hire for full time maintenance worker- Kyle Hilpipre (added 5-9-2024)      
18 Discussion/Action- approval of wage for full time maintenance worker (added 5-9-2024)      
19 Discussion/Action- approval of contract Five Rule Planning 2024 NAHTF Application (added 5-10-2024)    
20 Discussion/Action- possible appointment of special prosecutor for Ordinance violations      
21 Discussion- Budget FY 2024-2025                  
22 Council Comments                      
23 Public Comments                      

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City of Plainview                                                                                                                                                                                  
209 West Locust
PO Box 757
Plainview, NE 68769-0757

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